Happy New Year!


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

2020 was a difficult year for all humanity. Not only humanity! Even the global balance of the ecosystem was gravely disturbed (where is the virus now and where is Man, the king of nature?), putting it mildly…

And yet, let all difficulties, sorrows and problems remain in 2020. We will certainly analyze our path, draw conclusions, finally make long-overdue decisions, listen to our inner voice and… take a small step in the direction indicated by this voice. Let’s think for a moment and understand that, indeed, ‘people in Russia are saved by the habit of living in the family, surrounding themselves with people and sharing problems with their kith and kin. Some are saved by church and religion. Others by books, science and bucking the system.’ We just know how to appreciate small things and each other. We just know how to dream and make plans.

And although the idea of a crime-free society has been compromising itself repeatedly for a long time, we want to believe that all the shocks occurred will return us right to the ‘common denominator’ — common human values, and allow us to finally feel alive and happy…

Happy New Year!

The Union of Сriminalists and Сriminologists Collective.

(Using materials from the Ogoniok magazine, No 2, 20.01.2020, P. 17)

Translated by Elizaveta O. Ovchinnikova

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