On 20 October 2021, the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists held a regular meeting of its Bureau. The meeting was chaired by Head of the Bureau Yury I. Skuratov and President of the Union Igor M. Matskevich.
The following issues were considered at the meeting:
1. On the resignation of the Union’s Bureau Secretary Maxim V. Lebedev from the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists and the appointment of the Union’s Bureau member Elizaveta O. Ovchinnikova to this position.
2. On the admission of new members to the Union: Antonov, V.A., Bosholov, S.S., Vashchenko, B.M., Garmyshev, Ya.V., Gribunov, O.P., Zhmurov, D.V., Zaleskina, A.N., Ivushkina, O.V., Ishigeev, V.S., Mitrofanova, A.A., Panchenko, V.Yu., Parkhomenko, S.V., Permyakov, A.L., Repetskaya, A.L., Rogova, E.V., Sidorova, E.Z., Sudakova, T.M., Stepanenko, D.A., Tretyakova, E.I., Unzhakova, S.V., Foigel, E.I., Khristyuk, A.A., Shaevich, A.A.
3. On the opening of the Union’s Branch in Irkutsk (Russia) with the appointed head Vice-Rector for Science of Baikal State University, Doctor of Legal Sciences Oleg P. Gribunov.
4. On the preparation and holding of the International scientific and practical conference ‘Topical Issues of Criminal Legislation and Law Enforcement Practices of the CIS Member States.’
5. On the preparation of the traditional autumn contest of student research works.
6. On the development of the Union’s pages in social networks.
7. On the resumption of the project of books presentation by the Union’s members.
8. On the preparation of the ‘Union of Criminalists and Criminologists’ journal No. 4 for 2021, dedicated to Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.
9. On the plan of the ‘Union of Criminalists and Criminologists’ journal issues for 2022.
10. On the Union calendar for 2022 and the preparation of the calendar for 2023.
11. On the Second international forum ‘Energy Security. Eurasian Scenario.’
12. On the Union’s annual traditional meeting in December.
13. Information from the heads of the Union’s branches, regional offices and foreign representations.
Secretary of the Bureau of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists
Elizaveta O. Ovchinnikova