Potapenko S. V., Luparev E. B. Modern legal science at Kuban State University

Potapenko S. V., Luparev E. B. Modern legal science at Kuban State University. Soyuz kriminalistov i kriminologov [Union of Criminalists and Criminologists], 2020, no. 4, pp 7-12.


The article deals with the development of research areas for both individual scientists and research teams at the Faculty of Law of Kuban State University. The combination of fundamental legal science with practical activities of law enforcement agencies is illustrated, as well as the prospects for increasing scientific knowledge in the conditions of actively changing social relations are outlined.

Methodology: dialectical method, analysis, synthesis, deduction, sociological method, formal legal method, system method, statistical method.

Conclusions. As a result of the research, the authors come to the conclusion that various studies of the legal regulation of public relations in the modern period at Kuban State University, although these studies take place within the framework of all-Russian trends in the development of legal science, have a number of distinctive features associated with the formation of new, original research directions. In addition, it is emphasized that the scientific schools formed at the Faculty of Law of Kuban State University meet the challenges of the time and reach the level of international scientific interaction.

Scientific and practical significance. The conclusions and suggestions made in the article are aimed at improving the effectiveness of coordinative interaction in the implementation of scientific research both in the Russian Federation and in the system of international scientific interaction.

Keywords: Kuban State University, Faculty of Law, scientific schools, research areas.

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