Category Archives: News in English

Апр 13

Student legislative initiatives competition ‘New Law’

The student legislative initiatives competition ‘New Law’ is held by the Moscow Сriminological Office of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists, the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Federal Budgetary Institution ‘Scientific … Read More

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Апр 07

On 1 April 1924 a verdict of high treason was imposed on… Hitler

On 1 April 1924, a Munich court sentenced Adolf Hitler to five years in prison on charges of high treason for participating in the Beer Hall Putsch. In prison, the future ‘Führer’ spent only nine months and was released under an … Read More

Posted in News in English | Комментарии к записи On 1 April 1924 a verdict of high treason was imposed on… Hitler отключены
Апр 05

The author’s project ‘Criminal law gatherings at N.A. Lopashenko’s’ together with the Saratov Branch Office of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists

The author’s project ‘Criminal law gatherings at N.A. Lopashenko’s’ together with the Saratov Branch Office of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists The mono format with Associate Professor Evgenia V. Rogova On 30 March 2021, a regular online meeting of … Read More

Posted in News in English | Комментарии к записи The author’s project ‘Criminal law gatherings at N.A. Lopashenko’s’ together with the Saratov Branch Office of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists отключены
Апр 02

Working meeting of the Criminalists and Criminologists Bureau on 10 March 2021

On 10 March 2021, a meeting of the Bureau of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists was held via videoconference. The meeting was attended by the Bureau members: Matskevich I.M., Zaitsev O.A., Kadnikov N.G., Rednikova T.V., Prikhodko N.Yu., Lavrentieva M.S., … Read More

Posted in News in English | Комментарии к записи Working meeting of the Criminalists and Criminologists Bureau on 10 March 2021 отключены
Мар 21

The author’s project ‘Criminal law gatherings at N.A. Lopashenko’s’ together with the Saratov Branch Office of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists

The author’s project ‘Criminal law gatherings at N.A. Lopashenko’s’ together with the Saratov Branch Office of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists The Person: Professor Yuri M. Antonyan On 10 March 2021, a regular online meeting of the author’s project … Read More

Posted in News in English | Комментарии к записи The author’s project ‘Criminal law gatherings at N.A. Lopashenko’s’ together with the Saratov Branch Office of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists отключены
Мар 21

Analytical materials of the Union members. New article by Vice-President Alexander G. Zvyagintsev

Alexander Grigoryevich Zvyagintsev THE EMPEROR WITH A PARTY CARD Puyi, the last Emperor of China, suddenly appeared as a witness at the Tokyo War Crimes Trials (1946-1948). He was brought to Tokyo by a Soviet delegation. Puyi was also an Emperor … Read More

Posted in News in English | Комментарии к записи Analytical materials of the Union members. New article by Vice-President Alexander G. Zvyagintsev отключены
Мар 20

The history of legal documents. Moscow has become a capital again

On 12 March 1918, the status of the capital of Russia was returned to Moscow. Since the beginning of the 14th century, the residence of the Grand Dukes of Moscow was located in Moscow. The first reliable mention of Moscow … Read More

Posted in News in English | Комментарии к записи The history of legal documents. Moscow has become a capital again отключены
Мар 13

The author’s project ‘Criminal law gatherings at N.A. Lopashenko’s’ together with the Saratov Branch Office of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists

The author’s project ‘Criminal law gatherings at N.A. Lopashenko’s’ together with the Saratov Branch Office of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists The mono format with Associate Professor Yuri I. Blokhin On 2 March 2021, a regular online meeting of the … Read More

Posted in News in English | Комментарии к записи The author’s project ‘Criminal law gatherings at N.A. Lopashenko’s’ together with the Saratov Branch Office of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists отключены
Мар 11

The history of criminal events. The execution of a slave trader that changed the course of the war

On 8 March 1862, US Captain Nathaniel Gordon was executed by hanging in the United States. He was found guilty of the slave trade under a bill signed in 1807 by Thomas Jefferson. The document prohibited human trafficking and the importation … Read More

Posted in News in English | Комментарии к записи The history of criminal events. The execution of a slave trader that changed the course of the war отключены
Мар 09

Analytical materials of the Union members. On a criminal misdemeanor

Professor Nikolai G. Kadnikov, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Chair of Criminal Law at the Moscow Kikot-University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia On the meaning of the categorization of crimes and the initiative of the … Read More

Posted in News in English | Комментарии к записи Analytical materials of the Union members. On a criminal misdemeanor отключены
Мар 01

The author’s project ‘Criminal law gatherings at N.A. Lopashenko’s’ together with the Saratov Branch Office of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists

The author’s project ‘Criminal law gatherings at N.A. Lopashenko’s’ together with the Saratov Branch Office of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists ‘The Person’ format with Professor Yakov I. Gilinsky Organizer: Natalia A. Lopashenko, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Professor … Read More

Posted in News in English | Комментарии к записи The author’s project ‘Criminal law gatherings at N.A. Lopashenko’s’ together with the Saratov Branch Office of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists отключены
Фев 28

Cybercriminals attack during the Covid-19 pandemic

nded and in illegal online activity COVID-19 transformed the global economy. While governments fought over scarce medical supplies, much of the world’s population sat at home. As workplaces stood unattended and malls lay empty, the massive resulting increase in internet … Read More

Posted in News in English | Комментарии к записи Cybercriminals attack during the Covid-19 pandemic отключены
Фев 21

History of criminal events. Death sentence for residents of the Netherlands

On 16 February 1568, the Spanish Inquisition issued a death sentence to all (!) residents of the Netherlands. Previously, Christianity and the Christian Church suffered both from an external enemy – the Roman emperors and from internal dissensions based on … Read More

Posted in News in English | Комментарии к записи History of criminal events. Death sentence for residents of the Netherlands отключены
Фев 21

History of normative documents. Military regulations of Ivan the Terrible

Russian Russian Border Guard Service Charter, developed by a special commission by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible to organize the protection of the southern and south-eastern borders of the Russian Kingdom, was approved on 16 February 1571. It can … Read More

Posted in News in English | Комментарии к записи History of normative documents. Military regulations of Ivan the Terrible отключены
Фев 21

New article by Vladimir S. Ovchinsky and Yury N. Zhdanov

Vladimir S. Ovchinsky, Vice-President of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists  Yury N. Zhdanov, President of the International Police Association Russian Section    The World Economic Forum on the major problems of cybersecurity According to the analysts of the World Economic Forum, cyber risks continue … Read More

Posted in News in English | Комментарии к записи New article by Vladimir S. Ovchinsky and Yury N. Zhdanov отключены