On 29 August 1942, mass murder of Serbs took place

On 29 August 1942, at night, Petar Brzica, together with other Ustasa (from Croatian Ustaše ‘revenants, rebels’), began the massacre of Serbs. For murdering, serboseki were used – a special device consisting of a leather notch and a small blade. It was created by Ante Pavelic’ decree to kill prisoners (he was a dictator of the fascist Independent State of Croatia – an ally of Nazi Germany). Petar Brzica said that he would kill more Serbs than anyone else. In the morning, Brzica ‘won’ by killing 1,360 captured Serbs.

After the collapse of Nazi Germany, Brzica fled to the United States. There he came to the close attention of the police. However, the US political leadership refused to extradite the war criminal to Yugoslavia because of the beginning of the Cold War. Brzica disappeared from the USA, just in case. His location became unknown. Presumably, he died at the age of 90 in one of Latin America countries.

By the way, the dictator Pavlevic hid in Latin American countries after the war and died in Madrid under the protection of another European dictator – Francisco Franco.


President of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists

Igor M. Matskevich

Translated by Elizaveta O. Ovchinnikova

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