Congratulations with the Great Victory!

There is no more significant holiday in modern Russia than the Victory Day over Nazi Germany.

In fact, it was the Great Victory over European Nazism, which for a long time was shamefully hushed up. Only now some facts that are inconvenient for civilized Europeans are quietly beginning to emerge.

Not only Germany but also France, Spain, Romania, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Bulgaria, Turkey and a number of other states fought against the Soviet Union. In some cases, they were volunteers and in others – regular military units.

Only Poland and Yugoslavia actively resisted Nazi ideology (which did not prevent Poles from serving in the ‘auxiliary’ regular German military formations).

The rest fought either out of conviction or out of duty, as they then imagined it.

How many more secrets, unpleasant for Europeans, are stored in the archives in different countries – we will gradually but inevitably find out.

9 мая

Happy Victory Day, the 9th of May!

May the lessons of the most merciless war not fade away for humanity!

President of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists

Igor M. Matskevich


Post Scriptum.

In 1812, the entire European military power befell Russia. Who doubt this, let them go to the Borodino field and look at the monument to the Heroes of General Rayevsky’s battery (at the same time, they will bow to the remains of Duke Bagration, who bequeathed himself to be buried at the site of the grand battle). The monument names the divisions of France, Prussia, Poland and a number of other countries that fought in the ranks of Napoleon’s ‘invincible’ army.

Less than 150 years later, European politicians and the military elite forgot the way it all ended and decided to repeat the ‘experiment.’

Alas, the price of all these ‘experiments’ and ‘values’ that short-sighted European politicians are trying to instill in other countries by force if too high for ordinary people.

Translated by Elizaveta O. Ovchinnikova

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